Worthington, MN, Pork Production Facility
United Way

By the end of 2018, team members at our Worthington pork facility had pledged more than $150,000 to United Way for the agency’s 2019 campaign, surpassing the plant’s 2018 contributions by more than 6.2 percent. JBS USA Worthington began its United Way fund drive in October 2018, hoping to contribute to the organization’s total 2019 campaign goal of $196,000.
Each year, the United Way fund drive at JBS Worthington is fueled by incentives to encourage giving. Team members who give a certain amount to the United Way can park in a special lot. Extra vacation days are also offered, and team members were able to enter their name into drawings at the event for numerous prizes and prize bundles based on their pledges.
Cindy Elsing, who co-chairs the United Way fund drive at the Worthington plant, said the production department made up 69 percent of the total contributions, with management pledging 31 percent.
“This is not a JBS donation; this is a JBS employee donation,” Elsing said. “JBS provided a place for the United Way crew to come in and give pledges. We couldn’t have done it without our employees. We thank them.”
“We’re changing lives in Nobles County,” she added. “There’s a lot of wonderful things United Way is doing. The Dolly Parton Imagination Library, we built that up so kids can have books. We couldn’t have done that without employees and their support. JBS is very proud, and we’re also very humbled by the generosity of our employees and their support in our communities in Nobles County. This isn’t just for Worthington. It’s for all communities within Nobles County.”